Plant Works

Walking The Bomb, The Joshua Treenial in Joshua Tree California, 2017

CBS News, July 19th and 20th, 2013

Sleeping Bombs, 2016, 18” x 18” x 73” each, wood, steel and aluminum on queen-size bed

stARTup Art Fair Los Angeles, 2016

From a Great Height, 2018,

Eight woodcut prints on Masa paper, Dimensions variable, each print 95” x 50"

Installation at San Jose Institute of Contemporary Art, San Jose, CA, 2018

The Fat Man at 11:02 AM2018

papier-mâché, wood, steel and steel wire, 60 x 60 x 126”

Click on images for link to a new page

Stephen Whisler

110 Market Street

Saugerties, NY 12477

University Art Gallery, Sonoma State University
September 6 to October 14, 2018

Walkthrough Video
Past Is Prologue
325 Project Space, 325 St. Nicholas Ave, Ridgewood, NY
October 20 to November 5, 2023Past_Is_Prologue.html

The Milagros Series

Uvula Arch 2023, 86”x 91”x 13”, Papier-mâché on steel and wood
link to recent workRecent_Work_2024.html